Travel to Romme Alpin from Stockholm/Västerås/Södertälje
It is easy travelling to Romme Alpin by bus from Stockholm/Södertälje
Take the bus to the skiing hill
One of the easiest ways to get to Romme Alpin is to take one of our ski buses that run several days during the season. Here you sit comfortably in buses that accommodate 50 people. Luggage such as ski cases and boots can be stored safely in the bus' luggage compartment.
Departure from Södertälje
It takes just under three hours to get to Romme Alpin from the time you have boarded the bus on Stortorget in Södertälje, Entrance at Jovisgatan kyrkomuren. This is also where the bus lands again shortly after 18.00 / 19.00 depending on Romme Alpine's closing time.
Departure from Stockholm
The bus from Södertälje stops at the City Terminal in Stockholm before the journey continues towards Dalarna. At Cityterminalen, you only follow the information screens' (says ROMME ALPIN) and which gate the bus departs from. Here we also have a bus host from Romme Alpin who helps with various practical questions. After the day on the slopes, you are back at the City Terminal at 17.30 / 18.30 depending on Romme Alpine's closing time. Please, respect the departure time. The bus will not wait.
Pricing - incl. SKiPass
Chilldren 0-6 yrs: 410 sek
Youth 7-17 yrs: 695 sek
Adult: 695 kr
Senior 65+: 695 sek
Onkly bus ticket: 410 sek