Travel to Romme Alpin from Kumla/Örebro
It is really easy taking the skibus to the ski resort Romme Alpin during winter.
Departure Kumla/Örebro
The bus leaves from Kumla, Järnvägsstationen 06.30. It then stops at the following places:
Kumla - The railway station in Kumla at 06:30
Örebro - Adolfsberg, Korskyrkan at the bus stop at 06:50
Örebro - Scandic Västhaga at 07:00
Örebro - NEW stop! Travel center, position X, located on the left side of the tracks on Västra Bangatan, at the level of the station building at 07:15
Lindesberg - Lindesberg rest area at 07:45
It takes about two hours to our resort. After a day of skiing you are back home at 17.00/18.00 depending on Romme Alpins' closing time.