Food & Beverages
We strongly believe in good food and in our food offer we strive to make as much as possible from scratch using local ingredients. At Romme Alpin you can find a wide selection of meal options, from breakfast to dinner, both down in the Dal as well as up on the mountains.
You can find more information about each and every restaurant on their dedicated pages in the menu on the left or below. We will soon present our new menus for the upcoming winter season.

The cafe serves a variety of hot drinks such as freshly brewed espresso and hot chocolate with whipped cream. There are a variety of sandwiches, cakes and salads for a short break or light lunch.

Down in the Dal you can find the Wärdshus restarant. Come and enjoy the dish of the day completed with a buffet of salads, bread, coffee and drink all for a fixed price.

Up for a quick meal with tasty burgers, hot dogs vegetarian or vegan alternatives or snacks? Then Hamburgeriet is the right spot!

In our Våffelstuga up on Snöberget we serve crisp waffles made with our signature waffle batter and served with home-made jam.

If you want to spend some time indoors to eat a snack and warm up, you can head to our spacious and welcoming two-floor Värmestuga.

Blinky & Barbecue
If you want to barbecue outdoors we have a nice barbecue area next to the Beginners Area. We can also recommend our outdoor grill named Blinky next to the Café in Romme Dal.

Allergies and special diet
If you have a food allergy or special dietary requirements, we kindly ask you to inform the kitchen so that we can meet your needs to our best.