Welcome to make a reservation and Rommi is back

Are you excited for a new season? If you are - we are happy to announce that you now can make your reservations! Our online booking is open 24/7. If you would like to call us, our Guest service is open during limited hours. You can see the schedule here.
Today we also got a new delivery of our small and cute Rommi figures. They will have a lovely vacay here in Koppslahyttan before they hopefully move home to you.

Towards a new season

We are in the middle of the month of May and in the slopes we still have some snow and a lots of wood anemones. The contrasts are so pretty.
A couple of months ago we ended a very differed and odd season, but now we are aiming even more toward the next.
At the moment lots of work is going on at the resort. We are renovating our lifts, creating menus and ski school groups. We will start accepting reservations in a couple of weeks.
There are many things happening behind the scenes, during summer, with the goal to make your experience even better.

Romme Alpin is closing.
Sunday, March 29th, will be the last day for skiing this season at Romme Alpin. Romme Alpin has decided to shut down the resort due to the overall Covid-19 situation in Sweden and our location.
Every ski resort is different. One of Romme Alpins advantages is its geographical placement, only 220 km from Stockholm and its suburban areas. It is easy to make a daytrip to Romme Alpin, which, at this point, is a disadvantage.
New guests travel to the resort daily. The Resorts contains beyond skiing of a hotel, 7 restaurants, ski rental and lack any kind of private housing with self-catering.
By taking this decision, we aim to reduce the risks of spreading Covid-19 further.
- This is not an easy decision to make and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused to our guests who was looking forward visiting us and maybe celebrate Easter, says Bo Funcke, CEO Romme Alpin.
- This decision also affects the ones that keeps Romme Alpin to operate, our staff.
All guests that have a reservation made will be contacted by our staff for more information.
Bo Funcke, CEO Romme Alpin

One of the best ski schools in Sweden!

We are proud to have one of the best instructors at our ski school. Many of them are highly educated and have been on skis or snowboard for many years.
They can help you achieve your goals within skiing, snowboarding, telemark or adaptive skiing. Doesn't matter if you are a kid, an adult, a beginner or an advanced skier. We are happy to welcome you.
If you would like to know more about our ski school, read here or send them an email: skidskola@rommealpin.se
You can book group lesson directly at our website.

Our new park is open

Finally, our new Junior park in Mattas Gröna at Romme Nord is open. This park is a little bit challenging than Calles Kurvor.
It has a blue line with seven rails, one jump and a bunch of more fun features.
Welcome and try it!

Let´s celebrate together Rommi´s birthday!

Our own mascot, Rommi the penguin, celebrates his birthday every Wednesday. He loves to ski with kids and to eat waffles. The best way to celebrate is to throw him a party; a Waffle Feast!
Rommi wants to invite all children whom are 4 to 9 years old and can ski by themselves (brake and turn) and know how to take the chairlift. The meeting is at 2:30 PM right in front of the big ski school sign (“Skidskola”) in the beginners’ area. Rommi, together with several ski instructors, will greet the children who will take part and the party can get started!
Altogether they will take the chairlift Solklinten Express to the top, and then Rommi will lead the way down the slopes until they reach the Waffle House (Våffelstuga) where the waffles will be awaiting for them. When the waffles are finished and the party is over, everybody skis down the long slope that takes them back to the meeting point.
Come and have fun with us and eat waffles with Rommi and the ski school!
Quick tip: there are only 20 spots each week, so be quick to book your spot at the Ski Lodge Reception.

Winter is here

We are now experience a period with cold and nice weather. We have managed to create a lot of snow. So, today, we will re-open Bos, Sydhanget and Diagonalen. Yesterday we opend Götes Brant and Ravinen. Really good news!
During next week we will be able to open even more. We believe that almost every slope will be open next weekend (March 6-8).

Adaptive Skiing: EVERYBODY is welcome to ski at Romme Alpin!

Did you know we have adaptive skiing at Romme Alpin? Thanks to our gear and our qualified instructors everyone can feel the rush of skiing down the slopes. We believe in skiing and that it should be fun and available for everyone who has the will and is interested in it.
We have a biski, a sitski and a Snowcart; all from the French brand Tessier. We also have different aids for the upright skier who needs extra support.
With both our biski and sitski you can ski independently or, if not possible, you can be helped by a support skier behind you whom will help you to turn and brake. The support skier can be one of our instructors or you can rent the gear and you can be supported by a parent or an assistant. To be able to rent the gear, you need to be in possession of a certificate which grants that you can utilize the gear in a safe and secure manner. If you don´t have a certificate, you have the possibility of taking a 3 hour course and by certified by us.
Welcome to us!
/Lina Bergström

Calles Kurvor 2020

The funslope Calles kurvor is open with velodrome curves, jumps, boxes and rails. We have build some blue rails in Calles because of the snowvcondtions in Mattas Gröna (which was supposed to be a blue park this year).
At this moment there is a really good opportunity to find and challenge your own level of riding in Calles Kurvor.
Our mini park - Rommilandet is open with constant change of line with boxes, snow waves and slalom track, which gives the opportunity for a fun and challenging ride to the whole family.
Remember to respect other riders, staff who works with the park and closed jumps and boxes. Keep in mind to wear a helmet and HAVE FUN!!

We are making snow

It looks like we have some cold days ahead of us. This means that we will be making snow to improve the surface in part of our slopes.
This winter we take every chance we get. The temperatures has been really tricky.
Today (26/2) is, for example, Götes Brant and Mattas Gröna temporarily closed due to snow making.
At Romme today you can read about the status in our slopes.

Useful tips!

1. Pre-book your equipment via rommealpin.se.
Your gear will be ready to pick up om arrival. The ski rental opens at 8 am. Choose the doors marked "FÖRBOKAT".
2. Charge your SkiPass online and go straight to the lift.
If you have a SkiPass from the brand Axess you can easily buy days via our website or through the MITT ROMME-app.
3. Be early and ready.
Stand in the lift line at 9.00 and enjoy the first ride of the day!

Looking good!

I took a few runs in the slopes this morning. It was amazing! The piste was well prepared - the night shift does a great job!
Today, it was sunny and blue skies - looks like we will have the same weather, tomorrow, Monday! At the moment we have 22 slopes and 12 lifts open.
Looks like we might have some minus degrees and snow(!) in the coming week.
I really recommend you to pre- book your equipment and SkiPass. You can do it really easy online - until 6am upon arrival day. Just follow the steps here.

A good start

A day on the slopes is certainly going to be a good one. But how can you make a good day even better? Starting with a good cup of coffee, of course!
Even before the slopes open at 9:00 AM, there are various restaurants that can serve you a cup of the delicious hot beverage at Romme Alpin. The Värmestuga, where guests can change into their ski clothes, serves freshly brewed coffee from 8:30 AM. For a quick bite, you´ll find cinnamon buns and sandwiches. Since at Romme Alpin we take the issue of food waste very seriously, some days you may even find sandwiches from the day before offered at half price - a great opportunity to be environmentally friendly while also saving some money!
On the other side of the snow-free square you will find the Café, which opens to the public at 8:30 AM. If you´re craving something more exclusive than regular coffee, the Café is the place to go. Espresso, cappuccino, latte - now even offered with vanilla or caramel syrup - are on the barista menu. Not a coffee drinker but looking for something special? Try the tea latte! At the Café you can also find a smaller breakfast buffet, on top of the wide selection of sweets, of course.
Now that you have refueled you have definitely given your perfect day a good start! Enjoy the slopes and have a fantastic day at Romme Alpin!

Magic carpet!

One thing that many wonder about is how to manage the different lifts at a ski resort. If you are very young or new to the sport, we really recomment to try our magic carpets in the beginners area.
They are perfect for the first tries. Stand still on the band, relax and ride uphill. Just let the band push you off.
This is very convenient and a great way of taking those first steps learning how to ski without struggeling with a plattern lift, for example. You learn how to find your balance on your skis or snowboard.
We have three magic carpets in different lenghts. Start with the short one. When you feel comfortable, try the longer one.
If you need more help skiing, try our ski school. They know exactly how to help you.

Extra departures to Romme Alpin

The coming two weeks (8 and 9) we add on departures from several swedish cities.
Take the bus early - arrive when the lift is opening - ski the whole day - and be back home at dinnertime. It is so easy and convenient.
Both bus ticket and SkiPass is included in the price. You can bring your own equipment or rent from our ski rental.
Read more about it here.

Lovely days

We have had a couple of amazing days on the mountains. The weather has varied, but, the snow that we created in the beginning of this week was really helpful and has created a perfect surface in our slopes.
At the moment we have 24 open slopes and all lifts. Our snow-making- team is ready in case temperatures falls again. It would be lovely to open more slopes further ahead.

Extra departures to Romme Alpin

The coming two weeks (8 and 9) we add on departures from several swedish cities.
Take the bus early - arrive when the lift is opening - ski the whole day - and be back home at dinnertime. It is so easy and convenient.
Both bus ticket and SkiPass is included in the price. You can bring your own equipment or rent from our ski rental.
Read more about it here.

Lovely cold

After a few days of nice cold we have now switched off the snow system. The cold days are rare during this winter, but our snow team is always ready to run the system when the temperature drops. All to improve the surface and be able to open more slopes.
We have been running the snow system for a number of days and now we are working fully to prepare the slopes. Already today we have opened some of the slopes that have been temporarily closed. The piste machines works fast and more open slopes will be added tomorrow and this weekend we expect to have all lifts and 24 slopes open again. The surface is hard and friendly.
Now that we are facing the first week of swedish sports holiday, we want to take the opportunity to advise on pre-booking both SkiPass, ski school and equipment. This is done quick and easily via our online booking.
We also want to inform you that on Thursday-Sunday week 7 there are a few rooms left at Ski Lodge if you want a nice weekend.

Warm winter but a lot of snow

We are experience a very mild start of the year. We assume that a lot of you guys wonder if it is possible to ski at Romme Alpin. The answer is off course – YES!
During November and December we managed to create a lot of snow despite quite high temperatures. We also had some cold days around Christmas which allowed us to start the snow system again. At New Years we had 27 out of 33 slopes open and all the lifts.
During these last two weeks, strong winds and plus temperatures has made us close two of the slopes (which we opened with a little too low snow depth). The snow in these slopes will now be used to improve the nearby slopes.
Overall we are comfortable and very happy to offer great skiing opportunitues for many more weeks ahead. But, it is winter, so we hope and wish for more snow and cold days! Welcome.

Our funslopes!

If you like to have fun while skiing and you're in for jumps, boxes and a little challenge you will have to visit our Junior snow parks on Romme Nord. In the slopes called Calles Kurvor we offer creative and fun skiing opportunities for the whole family on a green slope level. Here you will also find Rommilandet - our minipark.
As soon as we get some more snow and nice cold temperatures we will open up a blue snow park in the slope Mattas Gröna.

Adaptive Ski School

We love to share our passion to all of you! Our ski school welcomes all skiers, including guests with permanent disabilities.
We can accommodate guests with various kinds of disabilities, including the vision impaired, motor impaired, amputees or guests with multiple disabilities. In short, all riders who need special support and can therefore not take part in traditional ski lessons.
If you are interested, contact funktionell@rommealpin.se or read more here.

Merry Christmas

The last few days we have had incredibly nice slopes, great good piste and a surface that lasts very well all day.
Yesterday it was cooler in the morning which made us have magical manchester in the morning. Hope it lasts. The south side with the Sydhanget and Hällas Hang is absolutely fantastic. You must try these runs!
The lower part of Calles Kurvor very fun with boxes and rails. It is actually completely finished for the season. The upper part is also open, but as usual hill until we can fix the whole fun-slope.
Our Beginner area is also up and running. There is a lot of space here, perfect for the first tries!
I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Greetings Karolina Carlsdotter, Ski School Manager, Romme Alpin

Update! Dec 21th.
Tomorrow we will open two of our black favorites - Hällas Hang and Brömses. We will also open up our newest 6-chair Express lift " Götes Express".
Slopes and lifts are open between 9.00-15.00. Toppstugan will be closed tomorrow and on Sunday. All other restaurants are open as usual.
Warmly welcome!

News about Friday
Here is an updated piste map regarding our opening on Friday. We have a lot of snow, and more slopes and lifts will open the coming days.
Open slopes, friday Dec 20th:
Åkes Dröm
Lisas Hage
Reyiers Fall
Calles Kurvor ( lower parts)

Christmas gifts!

It is soon time for Christmas. Our ski shop has all the gifts for an awesome winter! Make a visit this opening weekend, it is filled with news from example, Scott, Hestra, Burton, Giro and more.
We are really looking forward welcome all you guys on Saturday!


We will open Romme Alpin on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th. We are so excited. During this weekend seven slopes and seven lifts will be available.
Opening hours are 09.00-15.00.
After this weekend we will be closed until Friday Dec 20th. After that we are open on a daily basis until April 13th, regardless of Christmas, New Years, for example.
Warmly welcome

Private lesson request

We are really longing to start the 2019/2020 season.
As always, we want to improve - and now we have develop the opportunity to send a request for private lessons throught our website. You can find the request form here.

Christmas Buffet season

Welcome to eat our lovely Christmas Buffets in Toppstugan. We have been longing to finally let you guys taste all the wonderful food we have been making.
It is a mix of warm and cold traditional and mostly local dishes, fresh salads, cheese and off course a large and yummy dessert table.

Ski shop open on Saturdays

Skis (kids)
70cm 4st
80cm 1st
100cm 1st
160cm 15st
170cm 16st
180cm 12st
Intermediate skis
155cm 1st
175cm 4st
180cm 3st
Advanced skis
167cm 2st
168cm 1st
170 3st
172cm 6st
173 2st
176 1st
177cm 5st
178cm 1st
Ski boots (beginner)
Stl 24 4st
Stl 25-26 5st
Stl 40-41 11st
Stl 42-43 13st
Stl 44-45 18st
Stl 46-47 3st
Stl 47-48 8st
Stl 49-50 1st
Ski boots intermediate
Stl 35-36 7st
Stl 37 6st
Stl 40-41 1st
Stl 42-43 2st
Stl 47-48 4st
Stl 49-50 2st
Ski boots advanced
Stl 37 1st
Stl 40-41 1st
Stl 42-43 7st
Stl 47-48 1st
Ski boots DALBELLO
Stl 35-36 1st
Stl 37 1st
Stl 40-41 1st
Stl 42-43 1st

The Seasonal sale 2019

Next Saturday, on Nov 16th we will start our season sale in the ski shop. We will have skis for both children and adults - beginner and advanced.
Prices on skis from 300 SEK- 2600 kr. Brands: Dynastar, Rossignol, Salomon, K2 and Völkl.
Ski boots from 200 SEK- 1000 SEK.
We will not sell snowboards, twin tip, snowblades or snowboard boots.
We open the shop at 9.00, you are welcome to get your ticket from 7.00.
The shop will be open every Saturday between 9.00-15.00 until our regular seasonal opening.

November 1st...

Early this morning we started to make a little bit snow down in Romme Dal. We will now work with the snow as long as the temperature is low and all weather conditions are in our favour. However, the snowmaking-team is ready!
You can follow their work through our webcams:

Some news for the season
Here is a short movie ( in swedish ) where we present some of the news this season. For example, a new barbeque area, renovated ski shop and hamburger restaurant. We have also made the slope to Romme Nord much easier.
Many of these improvements are because of you - our guests. Your comments in our guest surveys, meetings, social media and emails. Thank you for helping us getting better.

Sale in the shop

Many of you like out autumn sale in our ski shop. This year it will start on November 16th at 9am. Tou can get your number ticket from 7 am.
We will mostly sell skis and ski boots, no snowboards or snowboard boots.
The ski shop will be open every Saturday 9am-3pm until our ordinary season.

Christmas buffet at Romme Alpin

It might feel early to start talking about Christmas and Christmas buffet but time flies.
If you want to be certain to get a reservation at your specific time and date it is time to make that reservation. Our Christmas buffet´s are either served at our Ski Lodge restaurant in Romme Dal or our Toppstuga at Solklinten.
Take the opportunity of tasting good and traditional Swedish food with lots of fresh and modern influences. The dessert table is a "cannot miss".
If you want to combine your dinner with a good night sleep, we have a great offer at our Ski Lodge Dec 13-15th. Stay one or two nights for the cost of:
Double room 1395:-
4-bed room 1595:-
5-bed room 1795:-
More info:
Christmas Buffet Ski Lodge
Christmas Buffet Toppstugan

Our slopes has a story

All of our slopes has a name that means something. It's a tribute to a person who has done good things or things that have happened.
For example, in the beginning of the 1900 a lot of mining work was made in Flintgruvan, which the slope Gruvvägen passing next too.
And during 1986 when plans were made for a new unnamed slope, a moose, came running over the area and imagine if you would crash into that moose when you ski? That slope is now named Älgkyssen. Älg = moose in swedish.
During this past winter this almost happened. Have you sen Abdulbari's video? https://www.freeride.se/video/62389/
Luckely everything went fine.