Our Fun Slopes
If you like to have fun while skiing and you're in for jumps, boxes and a little challenge you will have to visit our Junior snow parks on the slopes called Calles Kurvor and Mattas Gröna on Snöberget. Here we offer creative and fun skiing opportunities for the whole family on a green and blue slope level. Our jumps may not be the tallest and most advanced, but they sure make for a lot of fun and entertainment.
Our snow parks features various bumps of natural and artificial formation, as well as jumps, banks, rails and boxes. Calles Kurvor is our green Junior park with lovely velodrome curves followed by a smaller jump. The blue Junior park which is situated in Mattas Gröna begins with a variety of taller jumps followed by smaller rails and jumps all the way down to the Nord Express lift.
Our attentive park staff are continuously at work in order to keep Calles Kurvor and Mattas Gröna in top condition. The landings and jumps are reshaped at the end of every day, and we groom all our slopes every night. Several times during the season we remake portions of our snow parks in order to offer variation in the jumps and even more fun times for our guests.
- Show respect.
- Pay attention to where the jumps and landings are located.
- Never stop on a landing.
- Always take a recognition ride alongside the park in order to check out the entity of the challenges it offers before you take your first proper park ride.

At Snöberget Nord our penguin Rommi has his own "miniland". Created with lots of love for lots of fun in the snow.
You will find this slope in the lower parts of Utsikten.